Learn to Skate, Learn to Play, and Mite House League STARTING SOON!

AHA Learn to Skate is now open for registration. Fall sessions start in early October. NEW THIS YEAR - we are only requiring players to wear helmets and skates. Any other gear is optional at the discretion of the parent. We hope this makes it easier for some new families to give hockey a try. Please spread the word to family, friends, neighbors, and classmates. All sessions on weekend mornings at Phillips Academy. Any questions, please contact Shawn Furey at initiation@andoverhockey.org.

AHA Learn to Play is also open for registration. This is for players who have completed Learn to Skate or a comparable program. Full hockey equipment required. Sessions start in early October and will be held on weekend mornings. Please contact Shawn with any questions.

AHA Mite House League has openings for a few more players. This is a full season mite development program for birth years 2017-2015. Two practices and one game per week. Season starts in early September. Contact Bob Romano at mitedirector@andoverhockey.org with any questions.